Born in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco in 1965.

Self taught painter, watercolourist, draftsman and engraver. 

He collaborated in the early 80's in the workshop of the artist and sculptor Juan José Avila (Kraeppellin), in the same period, he was a student of watercolourist master Alfonos de Lara Gallardo during which he worked doing drawings and watercolors. 

His work has participated in the Jorge Martínez and the José Atanacio Monroy painting awards.


With a defined language within the expressions of abstraction, with elegant and consistent compositions, Mejorada takes us on a journey between tormented landscapes, lands of fire, cloudy days and labyrinths of the vital geometry that are present in the cells that make up and give life to amorphous imaginary characters.

Nature is also present in his work. The vital course of water, dust, lonely trees and bird sounds are represented and a recurring theme in his work.

Ricardo Mejorada enjoys experimenting with pictorial materials; the inheritance of his parental grandfather, that man who on a distant day, shared his brushes and paints with him.

Mejorada is currenty a founding member of RIMBAUD Art Gallery in Guadalajara, Mexico.


He has participated in over 30 collective and solo exhibitions, among which are :


El Arte y el Tequila, Museo Nacional del Tequila, Tequila Jalisco

Artistas Jalisciences, Museo Uruachi, Uriuachi, Chihuahua

Encuentro de Artistas de Jalisco, Galería de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Jalisco y sus Pintores, Museo Regional de Alamos, Alamos, Sonora

Tequila en el Arte, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora

Gráfica Cubana en Guadalajara, Galería Ajolote, Guadalajara, Jalisco

Underwood, Galería Ajolote, Guadalajara, Jalisco

Festival de Arte Contemporaneo, Centro de Arte Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco

De Jalisco para Chihuahua, Galería del Congreso de Chihuahua

Grabado en Coreografía, Taller Alexander Chang, Casa Cultura Alcalde

Nada Abstracción en Jalisco, Casa Taller Los Azulejos 2020, Guadalajara , Jalisco

1er Salón ITACA Galería Imaginarte, Barcelona, España

XVII Feria de Arte Contemporaneo Arteria,  Ciudad Ayuntamiento de Monzón, Aragón, España

2020 MostraD'Arte Scuola Grande San Teodoro, Venezia, Italia

Celebración 100 Años de Chabuca Granda, Ministerio de Perú, Lima, Perú

Rutas Plásticas, 3er Concurso Semilla Gráfica, (Mención Honorífica), 2020

Iluminaciones Colectivas, Sala de Arte Rimbaud , Guadalajara , Jal, 2021

Del Cielo y Más, Eclectico Galería, Guadalajara, Jalisco

Soul Countainer Colectiva, Patricia Mendoza Gallery, Los Cabos, Baja California

Rutas Plásticas 4to Concurso, Semilla Gráfica, 2021, Guadalajara, Jal.

Sinestesia Plenitud,Art Mafia, 2021, Quinta Real Hotel, Guadalajara, Jal.