.  1971 to 1974, he studied Visual Arts at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Academia de San Carlos in Mexico City

.  1984 to 1985, he studied film screen writing at the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfico del Instituto de las Bellas Artes in México.

.  1985 to 1987, he published cartoons in two Mexican magazines, SNIF and Brona.

.  1974 to 1988, he worked full time as a professor at the Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades in Mexioc City

. 1984 to 1986, he was professor at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas in Mexico City.

.  1986 to 1988, he was coordinator of Cultural  at the C.C.H. Plantel Oriente.



Aside from many collective exhibitions that he has been part of in Mexico, here is a short list of some of his most prominent solo ones:

1989, Galeía Bizarr, Hanover, Germany

1991, Galería Soutine, Mexico City

1993 Galería Qualli, Mexico City

"004 Instituto de Reahbilitación, Mexico City

2005 Foyer del Teatro Calderón, Zacatecas, Mexico

2009, "Los Juegos"  Restaurante/ Galería Pajares, Mexico City

2010 "Placeres", Teatro Fernando Calderón, Zacatecas, Mexico

2011, " Homenaje" celebrating the 40 anniversary of the Gandi enterprise, Mexico



In 1983, Uhthoff won First Prize at the Cartoon Contest organized by the Mexican Education department.